Frequently Asked Questions
What is Classical Homeopathy?
Founded upon the principle “like cures like” by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the early 19th century, homeopathy works to promote optimal health for the entire individual on all levels: physically, mentally and emotionally. Homeopathy is essentially an energy medicine. Based upon the premise that all disease is the result of some derangement or weakness of our vital force, which by its very existence is energy itself and not substance. Therefore, the only way to bring about a true and lasting cure for our maladies is to introduce a remedy into our organism, which exists on the identical plane and contains those same properties as that vital force which has become compromised.
Embracing those very same principles of nature and of natural healing found in other ancient therapeutics, homeopathy seeks to re-establish both balance and harmony to an individual’s health through the administration of specifically designed remedies. The source of these remedies are derived from all naturally occurring substances. Through scientifically formulated methods, the preparation of these remedies are designed to ensure that they will resonate and stimulate the core of the weakened life force thus enabling it to become strengthened once again and allow the healing process to occur organically from within.
Since the vital force “knows” the precise nature of its own weakness and the accompanying symptoms, which manifest and result from that derangement, once strengthened with homeopathic remedies only the vital force itself can initiate and bring about a speedy return to complete health on all levels.
What should I prepare for my initial consultation?
Please provide all information requested to our office at least three days prior to your initial consultation appointment.
What is the purpose of Tuesday reporting calls?
We encourage patients to contact us during Tuesday calling hours for a brief 2-3 minute consultation. The purpose of these reporting calls is for us to make an assessment and adjust treatment protocols if necessary in order to maximize the speed of healing and minimize suffering on the part of the patient.
How often do I need to have a followup session?
Follow up sessions are scheduled every six weeks and are one hour in duration. Follow up consultations are essential in your treatment in order to keep you moving most efficaciously through the healing process.