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Acute Illness

Acute illness is by definition a self-limiting disease which is mostly characterized by the symptoms having a rapid onset. These symptoms are fairly intense and resolve in a short period of time as either cure or death in the patient. We commonly know these acute diseases as colds, flu, bronchitis, childhood illnesses, tonsillitis, appendicitis, ear aches, most headaches, most infectious disease, etc. The same objective reporting is required for acute illness as for trauma, but here there is generally more information to report.
Relay to the practitioner what the presenting symptoms are as accurately as possible. Report the most persistent symptoms as they exist at the time that you contact the homeopath. It may be that information about the onset of symptoms is necessary, but it is not unusual that another remedy will be needed at the time of initial contact with your practitioner and several days have elapsed from the beginning of the acute illness.
For example, when asked to relay symptoms of the disease several days into it, you tell about a terrible headache that lasted for several days. You tell how it kept you up all night and how no over the counter medication gave you any relief etc., but you haven't experienced that symptom for the last two days, but now have a barking cough. The information regarding the headache may have very little value as to the state of the disease at the time of the call. However, if historical information is required, you will be asked for that information as well. Every practitioner has their own style of gathering information. Perhaps the best way to approach speaking to your homeopath is to ask them what information they require in order to treat the acute disease.
Homeopathy is a very precise science. Since everyone assumes their own individualistic symptoms during an acute disease, the treatment for that particular disease is based upon the individual's particular symptoms. For example, if a cold or flu is going around in a family, it is very likely that a different remedy must be given to each family member even though the same bug has been floating around the remote control and kitchen table.
It is important to note that individuals get sick for individualistic reasons, and that's why different remedies are often given within the same family who apparently suffer from the same illness. What is so interesting about the individuality of illness, is that, often there is one or more members of the same family who are infected with the dreaded disease, but do not succumb to its ravages. This widely observed phenomena will be discussed at another time in the theory and philosophy portion of this web site.
One of the most important components of accurate reporting is conveying information regarding certain aspects of the illness called modalities. Modalities are the individuals specific attributes and characteristics that attach themselves to and modify a particular symptom. An example might be that a person has a cough, but that cough is worsened every time he/she begins to lie down no matter what time of day or night.
Another specific attribute of the cough is that there is tremendous pain in the head every time they cough. Or, that the cough is better for drinking cold drinks and made worse for drinking hot or warm drinks, even though the patient has chills.
So a modality is any situation, condition, or event, whereby a particular general symptom is either improved or worsened. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, time of day, posture, temperature, light or heat sources, foods, drinks, desire or aversion to company, quality of pains, hot or cold applications, various types of pressures at the affected sight, etc.
Modalities, as they manifest in an individual during illness, are one of the most significant defining characteristics as to how a particular disease is impacting on the vital force of that individual. Precise observations and accurate reporting of these modalities will serve to give the practitioner very specific information regarding the exact nature of the illness and will aid in finding the best remedy for the problem.
Report even strange or very unusual behavior during these acute illnesses, this information is often the most important in arriving at the correct treatment. Remember, any departure from a person's ordinary general state is worth noting, these include not only the physical symptoms, but the mental and emotional behaviors as well.

Image by Jennifer Chen
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